Inventor 2020 cam
Inventor 2020 cam

inventor 2020 cam

  • Fixed an issue with certain turning profile roughing toolpaths working on the face of the part that were gouging instead of returning an empty toolpath.
  • Fixed an issue with turning profile roughing canned cycles with tangential extensions where the first point in the canned cycle profile was incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue with turning profile roughing operations where the first pass was shallower than the other passes.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when using WCS Probe operations.
  • Fixed an issue in which order-by tool was not working when using multiple work offsets.
  • Fixed an issue in which multiple work offsets were not working for posting or simulation.
  • Installation WHAT’S NEW The following changes have been made in the current hotfix (2021.1.2): This document covers both Inventor CAM products: In the video you will see the greenBull CNC cutting out the parts we have created.Autodesk® Inventor CAM™ 2021.1.2 Release Notes Now under the "Machining" tab we will go to "produce gcode" and ask us where we want to save the gcode file. We will first save the file we have created. Now we are ready to create the file and run it on the machine.

    inventor 2020 cam

    Now we apply the final profiles and then press CTRL+T to see the tool paths. We have set this to drill straight down and up, without any spiraling. We set the profile for only a single pass which we have set as drill straight. Now we move to the back piece and create a new part for it so it can be run individually if necessary.

    inventor 2020 cam

    The ones with an X in them will not actually rout. We will set the feed rate lower on the roughing to offset this. If you want to adjust this you need to set the spacing to at least. You will notice that only the finishing is able to pass through the separation lines. We press CTRL+T to generate the tool paths. Now all lines should be joined and we can do a roughing and finishing profile. This is not done in Inventor so we need to do this in CAMBAM. You will notice that the lines are not joined so we need to join and close the lines. We pick up on part 10 by setting the profile in CAMBAM for roughing and finishing. In the 10th and final part of the series we will be showing the final result from design to fabrication on the CNC machine.

    Inventor 2020 cam